I can't see the point of bowling a ball like that 我看不出那样投球用意何在。
Multiple players can engage in challenges like a boat game ( River Rush) and another game that combines dodgeball with bowling ( Rally Ball). 其中很多游戏都可以让多个玩家同时参与挑战,比如划船游戏&RiverRush,以及将躲避球和保龄球融合一起的RallyBall。
If the theory is true, then the Earth should stretch the spacetime in which it sits, like a bowling ball would deform a trampoline. 如果该理论正确,那么,就像是一个处在弹簧垫的保龄球会使它周围的弹簧垫产生形变一样,地球应该也能扭曲它所处的时空。
OK, so I got my bowling shoes, my ball, our names on the scorecard, so now, how the heck do I play this? 好的,现在我穿上了保龄鞋,拿到了我的鞋,我的名字也在分数卡上了,怎么打保龄球呢?
One common way to visualize the geodetic effect is to think of Earth as a bowling ball and spacetime as a trampoline. 或称之为时空所包裹将短程线效应形象化的一个普通办法是,把地球设想成一个碗状球体,而时空是一个蹦床。
Here we have not a bowling ball onto a ping-pong ball but we have a billiard ball. 我现在不让保龄球,去撞乒乓球,而是拿一个台球。
Game Four: Bowling& What an interesting game! Students would be asked a question before they threw the ball. 游戏四:保龄球&游戏很有趣!学员还需要在投球前先回到不同级别的问题!
I will first bounce the ping-pong ball off the bowling ball* the billiard ball. 我首先撞击乒乓球,使它碰保龄球。,不,碰台球。
Then I juggled the clubs, and finally a bowling ball and two small balls. 然后我耍起了杂耍棒,最后耍起了一个保龄球和两个小球。
Keep your bowling ball in the car? 把你的保龄球放在车子里了?
A bowling game using slender pins and a ball smaller than that used in tenpins. 一种保龄球游戏,使用细长的球柱和小于保龄球游戏中所用的球。
Earth's gravity warps spacetime the same way a bowling ball weighs down the middle of a trampoline. 地球的重力包裹着时空,就如同碗状球体把蹦床的中部压得下沉了一般。
A light object, like a tennis ball, on the edge of the trampoline will follow a curved path toward the bowling ball – like a planet orbiting the sun. 而蹦床边缘的轻物体,比如网球,将沿着曲面移向保龄球-就像行星围绕着太阳运行。
To achieve ( a specified score) by bowling. spherical-outside ball bearing 滚球得分通过滚球得(一个特定分数)外球面自位滚球轴承
After the collision, the bowling ball continues unaltered. 在碰撞之后,保龄球继续不受影响。
A giant bowling ball of a head that melted into absolutely no neck, as if his skull had been glued to a barrel-chested body. 一个巨大的保龄球一样的脑袋绝对连脖子都看不到,好像他的头颅直接粘在一个胸肌发达水桶腰的身体上。
Put each bowling ball into a steel cage. 让每个保龄球进入钢笼。
Get to pro level to unlock a bowling ball with diamond designs on it. 达到专家级可以得到一个上面有钻石标记的保龄球。
The ping-pong ball bounces off the bowling ball and it just bounces back. 乒乓从保龄球上反弹,它只是反弹回来。
Sometimes I feel like a bowling ball bumping back and forth, down the lane, you know, thinking god, there is the gutter bangser thing or else it would be very ugly. 有时候我觉得自己像个保龄球,来来回回地碰撞,落到滚球槽里,心想:上帝啊,幸好这有沟槽挡住我,要不然该有多悲惨啊。
To understand how this might happen with moons, first imagine a bowling ball as it rolls down an alley. 要理解月球上是如何发生的,首先想象一下一个保龄球在球道上滚动。
Give me something good to eat, not too big, not too small, just the size of a bowling ball. 给我点好吃的,不要太大,也不要太小,保龄球大小就好。
It started when my horse jumped a little, causing my head to lash around on my vertebral column like a bowling ball on a Slinky. 当我的马稍微跳一点,让我那个在脊柱上的脑袋拨浪,就像挂在弹簧玩具上的一只保龄球时,它就就开始疼。
A hole made to fit the thumb ( as in a bowling ball). 按拇指大小制作的孔(如在保龄球上)。
Bowling is a game played by rolling a heavy ball down a wooden lane. 保龄球是一项沿木制球道滚动一个重球的游戏。
A bowling game played with such pins and a small ball. 用鸭柱与一小球合玩的滚木球游戏。
When bowling, the aim is to hit the wicket, while the batsman tries to defend it and hit the ball far away to win'runs '. 投球的时候,投球手的目标是打击三柱们,而击球手则要尽力防守并且把球打得越远越好来得到“跑动”分数。
Picture what it would be like to roll a bowling ball onto the two-dimensional surface of a trampoline. 想像下将一个保龄球在一个二维的弹簧垫子表面滚动的情形。